Saturday, July 9, 2011


A blog can a lot of things, but the shortest answer is it's a website written in journal-style.Usually a blog will have many entries, arranged in reverse chronological order, with the most recent at the top. Since you're wondering: "blog" is short for "web log."Some people use a blog as away of keeping a personal journal or diary online.
But a lot of other people have blog that are almost like news sites.Blog can also be started by companies to promote something.Political of cultural blogs usually provide commentary political figures & current events. And some people blog about a special interest of hobby.A person with a cooking blog might post recipes,stories,
comments,and tips about cooking, pictures of dishes and links to other cooking sites or blogs.There are blog for pretty much anything you want.Fashion blog, neighberhood blogs, music blogs, scince blogs, art blog - you name it.And some blogs function like forum, alowing readers to comtribute.These kinds of blog are more interavted
because users' comments can create an ongoing discussion.Having a blog is aslo a cheep and effective way for
people to show ther work on the Internet. There are a bunch of places on the web you can go to sign up for
a free blog.Once you started, you can post pictures,music,or writing on your blog so that who come across
your page can see your work.With an audioblog (or MP3 blog),you can upload music or audio files that people can download,Witich is agood way for new, unkown artist to get heard.a photo blog is a blog that features photograths; kind of like an electronic photoalbum!A vidio blog is the same,but for videos
even thought they were all over the place these day,blogs are pritty new. They first popped up in the mid-1990s. A collage stutand name Justin Hall,who begen writng an online diary in 1994, is often credited
as the first blogger.Today there are  tens of millons of blogs! Talent agents sometimes scan the blog world (also known as the blogosphere) looking for new voices.You shoud alway be carefull about what you post
on a blog if you decide to start one.Never reveal any personal information,like your full name or outher
contact information,it could be dangerous. Anyway, that's the information abour blogs

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